Sunday, July 11, 2010

"You Know What This Is? It's A Piece Of Bunny Fur."

December 2007.

So one of the things I got for Christmas this year was the baby book my mom kept up with until I enrolled in kindergarten. The following is an exerpt:

Dec 26th, 1980-

...We were outside feeding the animals and you found a piece of bunny fur. It had a little spot of dried blood on it and you showed it to me. You said that you found a kitty and it has a sore on it. You wanted me to take it in the house and make it better- put some medicine on it. I tried to tell you it wasn't a kitty and that it was a bunny and that it was dead- that there was nothing we could do for it. You just kept looking at it and said- maybe we could put it in the chicken house (you meant the little pen I put the hurt chickens in) and maybe it would get better. I explained to you again that it was dead and we couldn't help it. I guess you accepted that- I put the fur over in the weeds and when your father came home you showed it to him.

You asked "Do you know what this is?- It's a piece of bunny fur..."

You were so serious- it was a precious happening to me."

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